
Wednesday 27 March 2019


Today in kiwi can we were learning about empathy and we played two games about empathy.

Empathy is when if someone falls over and they hurt there self and you laugh and then a couple of minutes later they say sorry for laughing at you. Empathy is also when you get into someones shoes by if someone badly hurts there self you fell sorry for them.

For one of the activity's we had to write an acrostic poem about empathy. This is my acrostic poem

To be nice
Young laugh

Thursday 21 March 2019


WALT: create a 1 minute movie / slideshow with effective music.

Today my group Levi, Cody and I have been working on our 1 minute movie on a slideshow and we have completed it and it went well. We had to answer questions about our slideshow.

  • What worked well?

We worked as a team and also we have completed the whole thing altogether.
  • What could be improved?

To put music in all slides so when we present it the music will go the whole time.

Why did you choose your music?

Because it is calm and also we like it and it has a cool beat.


Wednesday 20 March 2019

Community Impact Projects

Today we have been talking about what designs we have chosen to make out of rubbish from our community.

I have chosen to make a car made out of cans, also it is going to be a race car. The class have chosen to make a mural for our school about birds and native animals related to HHS / hornby community.

I will update you about this project.

Friday 15 March 2019

Play Back - soccer

Today we had to answer some questions about last Tuesday what we did and what we need to do to make some changes about the games we have played to teach people I played soccer.

what did you do on Tuesday?

We had to make different rules about soccer to make it more fun and interesting, then we had to teach the other class how to play the game and they tought us their way of playing soccer.

within your sport group what worked well?

we won a game and I scored 2 goals, also we worked together and did teamwork to make our team win.

what do you need to change for next time?

To change the rules a bit more to make it more interesting and fun to make the people wanna play it more next time.

what are you looking forward to when you present?

To teach the other team how to play our game that we have changed and to play their game that they have changed to make it better.

Thursday 14 March 2019

Different camera angles

Today we had to make a blog post about different camera angles to make a good movie and we had to write sentences about the different camera angles.

WALT: I can explain a variety of camera angles used to make a movie

These are some camera angles to make a good movie

  • Close up
  • Over the shoulder
  • Long shot
  • Extreme close up
  • Zoom out

close up camera angle is where you put the camera in there face.

The over the shoulder camera angle is where you take a video on someones shoulder

A long shot is where you take a video far far away from them.

A extreme close up is where you you put the camera right in there face.

A zoom out shot is where you zoom out on them so it looks like you are far away from them.

Bye for now.

Wednesday 13 March 2019

Athletics day

On the 7th of march we had athletics all day. We got to choose competitive or social I chose social because I couldn't be bothered on that day and also it was to hot. On that day we went to our house colour group and went onto the field doing our chant then we went to our athletics. The only sports I did was shot put and discus and the other time I just walked around the field and hanged out with my group.

After that people came out with a chilly bin with ice blocks in it then other people ran to the chilly bin to get a ice blocks. The ice blocked weren't very nice because they were not frozen they were liquid.

It was a fun day because I got to hang out with my friends.

CIP projects

Today we have been talking about cleaning up our community and making art with it. we had to answer some questions about the project.

In your own words, what is the project?
This project is about picking up rubbish around hornby and making art with them.

What is the purpose?
The purpose is to clean up the community to make it clean.

How much rubbish do you think we are going to collect? why do you think that
I think that we are going to clean most of the rubbish because we want to have the community a safe place

What colours do you think we will see the most? why?
I think I would see is grey because that is the colour of the cans

What type of art would you like to make?
Car out of cans

Monday 11 March 2019

the three bad pigs and the good big wolf

WALT: I can write a narrative using correct structure

For today's post I will be telling you about what we are doing this week for music.

This period we are doing our filming about the three bad pigs and a big good wolf. we only have 1 more week to finish it. This is our overview for the movie.

The Wolf works at the bank. Meanwhile, the Pigs at their hideout, to plan to rob the bank. To do that they apply a job at the bank. They try to get information about where the money is stored at the bank. They found out that every month, that the manager gives wages to their workers. The Pigs steal the map of the bank.

Stay tuned for the next update on the movie.