
Thursday, 17 March 2016

make peoples day

the senior syndicate has been learning to make peoples day and make them happy. the start of the year we went out side and one of our teachers called Mr breach gave us a piece of cardboard and a vivid and all of the teaches put tape on our backs so the cardboard stays on our backs. after that we went out side and Mr breach told us what we needed to do. we had to run around and write nice things on their cardboard people wrote funny sporty a good friend nice you are nice funny  awesome kind super you say hello to me.

from Tyson

Thursday, 10 March 2016

mission 3

I like motorbikes because they are fast and fun to play on.
motor racing, motorbike,

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Spencer park trip

  • friday
  • spencer park
  • school trip
  • senior syndicate
  • have fun and get to know each other

  • bus
  • morning tea
  • playground
  • walked to the beach
  • deepest hole competition
  • lunch
  • back to school

On Friday we went to Spencer park for a school trip. The hole senior syndicate. Then we got to know each other.

Then we had morning tea under the tree i had chocolate cake it was delicious sat with Levi,Tai, Tamani,Sam,andre. me and Levi and Tai went on the playground i went on the spider web i went to the top then went to the bottom then i played with Levi. Then went to the tree then walked to the beach. When we got there we had to take our shoes off and socks off then we sat on the sand and Mr breach told us what we had to do. This it my group to go on the playground.Levi,Tai,Sam and me First we had to make the deepest hole competition at the end mrs mcguinniety jumped into the hole and choose the winner group was Josiah’s group. After the deepest hole competition we had a super hero competition we all don’t no how won. My group for the deepest hole competition was Levi,Cole,Tennessee,Nikora and me. my group for the superhero culture was Levi,Lucy and Lucy's mum,Emily.

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

spencer park trip recount

On Friday we went to Spencer park for a school trip. The hole senior syndicate. Then we got to know each other.

Then we had morning tea under the tree i had chocolate cake it was delicious sat with Levi,Tai,Tamani,Sam, and levi and Tai went on the playground i went on the spider web i went to the top then went to the bottom then i played with levi. Then went to the tree then walked to the beach. When we got there we had to take our shoes off and socks off then we sat on the sand and mr breach told us what we had to do. This it my group to go on the playground.Levi,Tai,Sam and me First we had to make the deepest hole competition at the end mrs mcguinniety jumped into the hole and chose the winner group was josiah’s group. After the deepest hole competition we had a super hero competition we all don’t no how won. My group for the deepest hole competition was Levi,Cole,Tennessee,Nikora and me. my group for the superhero calture was Levi,Lucy and Lucys mum,Emily.