
Friday 27 September 2019

Orana Wildlife Park

On Tuesday 3 classes called Sh, Ts and Wh went to Orana wildlife park for the day. We left school at about 8:45 and we went on the bus and I sat next to my friend Cody. When we were in the bus we were drawing and writing in our books because we were bored. The teachers didn't allow us to take photos but I still brung my phone and I sneaked some photos without them knowing. From my perspective I think that it is really rude.

When we got there we got into lines in classes and the tour guide woman told us not to feed the animals because it will make them sick and she said if the birds come to you looking hungry dont give it to them because they have already been feed. After that we followed the tour guide to the eating area to drop our bags off and we had some morning tea. Then each class got another tour guide person for the day. Our tour guide name was Richard and each time we saw an animal he gave us about 3 facts about them.

Here are some of the animals that we saw.

The first animal we saw was the Kea's when we first got in there all I could hear was the water were they give themselves a clean. There were 3 kea's but we only saw 2 the sound that they make is really cool and there wings were orange underneath. When I got a point of view of the Kea I took my phone out and took some photos when the teacher wasn't looking.

The other animal that we saw was the gorilla at the end of the trip it was funny because 1 of the gorillas was picking its nose and then eating eat and then also he picked the boogers from his fingers and then ate them. The other gorilla pooed on the ground then picked it up and ate it. It was disgusting.

The teachers said we had to tell you at least 3 facts about some animals

The 1st fact was that Gorillas live around 35 years, they can also live longer up to 50 years in captivity

The 2nd fact was that giraffes can run as fast as 35 miles an hour over short distances or cruise at 10 mph over longer distances

The 3rd fact was that the roar of a lion can be heard from 8 kilometres 

Here are some photos that I took of the animals on my phone without teachers knowing for you people.

Hurumanu - Safety rules / Science Equipment

Today in science our science teacher Mr Palmer showed us all of the equipment that we are using in science this year. Mr Palmer also told us 10 safety rules that we need to follow in the science lab. Our teacher Mrs Shehata told us that we had to write down all 10 safety rules and all of the equipment that we are using.

All 10 safety rules:

1. If there are any broken class put the class in the blue box and then tell the teacher.

2. No running in the lab because you could knock something over and you could break something

3. Put your bags at the end of the class and put them under the bench

4. No eating or drinking in the lab

5. No smelling the experiment 

6. Only use the equipment that we have to use and not mixing other things to it

7. Don't use broken test tubes or if they are chipped

8. Don't touch any chemicals unless you are told to

9. Put on safety googles with hot equipment to be safe

10. If someone is hurt tell the teacher straight away

The science equipment:

1. Safety googles
2. Beakers
3. Test tubes 
4. Tongs
5. Funnels
6. Racks
7. Thermometers
8. Bunsen Burners
9. cylinders
10. Measuring cups
11. Flasks

Wednesday 25 September 2019

Our New Kahui's

On Monday this week we moved into our new learning spaces called Tieke. There are 3 new big learning spaces called Tieke which is our classroom and the other 2 are RiroRiro and Mohua. 

The reason why we moved classrooms is that the hornby primary children are moving into them and because it is a rebuild. The other reason why we moved into our new buildings is because they are named after our native birds. The teachers have some questions that we had to answer. Here are the questions.

When I walked into our new buildings I saw a WOW on my face because it was bigger than I expected. I saw more other classrooms for our subjects because I thought that there are 2 classrooms for each class. There are the deans office in the new classrooms. The new classrooms are quiet big and quiet long and there are different little classrooms for our classrooms. What I saw in this building is that we were lights behind the TV to make it better and there are cameras around the classrooms.

When I walked into our new classrooms I thought that 1 half of the big kahui was for 1 class and the other half is for the other class for each building. Instead there we alot of classrooms for each subject and there are alot of chairs and tables for us to sit on and for us to learn. There are teared seatings and height tables and little cubby holes to fit 2 people and stalls.

When I walked into our new classrooms I felt the feeling weird because I have never been into a big buildings like these and been able to work with other classes just in 1 space for 2 classes and that is the same for the other 2 kahui's. In our kahui there are classrooms like art, the deans office, the kitchen, the teachers space and other seniors classes. 

When I walked into these classrooms I thought each classrooms was for 2 classes but there are seniors classes as well.

Conclusion: I think the classrooms are really cool because I have never been inside a big classroom like this before. I think that it is a very big space for classes but it is good because we can move around and work wherever we want sometimes.

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Hurumanu - Solar energy movie

Today in science we watch a documentary about solar energy. The movie was about an hour 40 long and it was about how solar energy works and about climate change. Through out the movie it was changing from 2019 and 2040, and it was showing some thing that might be in 2040 thats not in 2019. The main person that was talking about the documentary was called David but I don't know his last name but his job is about going to different country's and talking to them about the world and climate change. In the movie there was a part were David was in the driver seat in a car and the car was driving on its own. At a stop sign the car stops on its own and it goes on the right speed on the roads. The teachers put 2 questions on a google slide for us to answer. Here are the questions.

What are 2 things you learned?

The 2 things I learned was that seaweed can grow up to 50 meters long and every day it grows half a meter and seaweed can stop carbon dioxide. The other thing I learned was that you can trap carbon dioxide in alot of soil because it will stay there.

What I would like to see in 2040?

 What I would like to see in 2040 is that some how we could fly in the air with some boosters on my feet and what I also want to see is cars that can drive on its on.

Friday 13 September 2019

Science - Water Cycle


Bag 1: Normal Water cycle
Bag 2: Water cycle with CO2 added: like Oceans in climate change
Bag 3: Water cycle with ice added: like Antarctica in climate change


  1. Vivid
  2. Plastic bag
  3. Cold water
  4. Blue food colouring
  5. A person to draw the water cycle
  6. Baking soda
  7. Litmus paper



  1.  Get one Plastic bag 
  2. Get one vivid 
  3. Draw the Water cycle one time on the plastic
  4. Go to the teacher
  5. Put 3 cm of water cold water
  6. Put 2 drops of blue food die 
  7. Close the bag 
  8. Get two pieces of double-sided tape
  9. Give the bag to the teacher 
  10. Hang it up on a window that has sunlight
  1. Get one Plastic bag 
  2. Get one vivid 
  3. Draw the Water cycle one time on the plastic
  4. Go to the teacher
  5. Put 3 cm of water cold water
  6. Put 2 drops of blue food die 
  7. Put one teaspoon of baking soda
  8. Get one piece of litmus paper
  9.  Close the bag 
  10. Get two pieces of double-sided tape
  11. Give the bag to the teacher 
  12. hang it up on a window that has sunlight

Two Images:

The Water Cycle: Bag 1
CO2 Water Cycle: Bag 2
Desert Water Cycle
Bag 3
Does it cycle?
Amount of Water

Key: Water and acidity amount: 1 = none 
2 = small 
3 = large 


I think the outcome of this experiment will be, I think the bag will turn out a different colour to show that it is working. Or the blue food colouring will disappear out of the bag because of the water cycle.

I think the same for this experiment it will either the colour will disappear. The food colouring will change colour. There is baking soda in the second experiment I think that the water will disappear out of the bag.

First we draw the water cycle on the bag and then we filled up with water and then we put food diet and we close the bag and we got double-sided tape we put it on there for a while and then we took it off and then we gave it to me she harder to hang it up on the window that has somewhat so the water cycle would start to work.

Community Time - Writing 2

In community time the teachers wrote some questions on the board that we had to answer them about this week. Here are the questions and answers

1) This week, I felt accomplished... When I learned how to make a hacky sack in soft material. I got my friend Nathan to help me because he was bored when he had nothing to do. I also felt accomplished when I finished my creepy creature that took me about 8 weeks

2) This week, I felt a sense of belonging... When my Mum, Sister, Step dad and I went to cheviot to see my step dad's parents and that night we watched the rugby and NZ got smashed and 1 of the NZ player and 1 of the other team had a fight and then they got a red card. The next morning I got to watch a lamb being born.

3) This week, I felt affirmed in my unique identity when... I played handball because my friends Cody, Levi, Hunter and I played 4 square and I was in king square for quiet along time. It was funny because I kept doing bridges and they got real angry.

4) This week, what I noticed about my feelings & emotions was...

That I could control them when I am frustrated or mad. Sometimes I dont get really mad but I do get frustrated when we do the same things every time at school for that period. When I get mad it is when people made me angry when they are annoying me when I am doing my work.

Thursday 12 September 2019

Maths DLO

In maths today we have been learning about dividing using multiplication strategy's. Our teacher put us with another person that was in my maths group. My teacher chose Gerald and I so I had to make him a DLO with some questions for him to answer so here is my DLO I hope you like it and if you want to solve it then you can.

Art clay making

Today in art we were carrying on making our clay characters so they look better for when we make our stop motion movie. Then my group and I were thinking of making a background for our setting and we were making some jellyfish to make it stand out more and we have only made 3 characters and we have to make 5 characters. Our teacher put some questions on the board for us to answer. Here are the questions.

Write - What your making?

My group is making a green turtle, a great white shark, a blue whale and some jellyfish for the background. The green turtle is good, the great white is bad and the blue whale is good.

How does it fit in your story?

It fits in the story because we were planning on making them characters and so we did. The whale is bigger then the great white shark because the whale stops the shark from being a bad boy.

What I'm finding challenging?

What I'm finding challenging is making the characters because it is hard trying to make the characters like they are in a picture and some of the parts come off real easy. The teacher tought me a trick which was to connect the tail or the legs and arms to the body so they stay on them.

Wednesday 11 September 2019

Tane Mahuta

Today in Tane Mahuta we have been doing many things like cleaning out the classroom, Pulling out weeds, Planting some plants, Putting branches from tree into a pile and watering some plants. 

First some of my friends and I started pulling out some weeds and then putting them into a pile. The weeds were really easy to pull out because some weeds are really hard but these ones they come out straight away. While some of my friends and I and other people were pulling out weeds other people were cleaning out the shed but we didn't

Then some of my friends and I went to the garden were we plant the plants. After we made a big hole so it is big enough to put the big plants inside. Then we put the plant inside and then covered it up with soil and horse poo. 

After that my friend Cody and I got a bucket and filled it up with water so we can water the plants. Then we went over to the plants and then flooded the plants with water.

After we put all of the equipment away and then my teacher Mr Tisch and I put the tarpaulin over the plants so the plants don't die.

What I enjoyed about all of this is planting and watering the plants because then I can learn all of this for when I am older.

Then everyone went back to class and then we did blogging which we are doing right now.

Image result for planting plantsImage result for planting plants

Tuesday 10 September 2019

Solar Energy - Science

Aim: To find out which colour attracts the suns heat.

Hypothesis: I think the colour black attracts the sun because it absorbs everything coming in from the sun and it is the darkest colour.


  1.  A plastic cup
  2.  A clear plastic cup
  3.  A piece of white A4 paper
  4.  A piece of tinfoil
  5.  A plastic cup covered in tinfoil
  6. A square piece of a cut up black plastic bag
  7. A black paper sleave
  8. A  small heat lamp
  9. A themomator


  1.   Get a plastic cup and the A4 paper and place the cup onto the paper on a hard surface
  2.   Next to the A4 paper Get a plastic cup and put the black paper sleave over top and place the cup onto the square piece of the cut up black plastic bag
  3.  After that next to the black sleave cup Get a piece of tinfoil and the plastic cup covered in tinfoil place the tinfoil cup onto the piece of tinfoil.
  4. Then get the small heat lamp and plug it into a plug on the wall and place it in front of all of the cups so the get heat in them.
  5. In 15 minutes put the themomator in each cup at then put down your recordings
  6. After that take out the themomator for 1 minute
  7. Next do the same thing for 30min and 45min


I these photos from the experiment called solar energy it shows you how to set it up and what the experiment is.  

Cup 1
Cup 2
Cup 3

Conclusion : Today in science we have been doing an experiment about solar power we need to use a thermometer to record the water in the cups and then wait till it is done. we had to all of the materials from the teacher so we can set it up and get ready for the experiment. Black attracts more than silver and white because a black object absorbs all wavelengths of light and converts them into heat so the object gets warm.


In pairs rate the livability of coal vs solar energy.

Comparing Coal energy with Solar energy ( Rate; 1 = poor to 10 = great)





Your choice...

Solar Sharing ( from 2040)

Monday 9 September 2019

Story Author - Ella West

Today in period 1 a famous author came into our school called Ella West. First she told us what her books are called what how she created the books. Then she told us it is about murder's and ect and she told us that she likes writing about murders and people dieing which I thought was quiet weird and sad.

Here are some facts about Ella West. Ella west lives in Dunedin and she has a website that her son controls it so she isn't doing 2 things at once. Ella has a dog called Jim and he has 2 different coloured eyes 1 is blue and 1 is brown and her dog is a farmer dog. In Dunedin were Ella lives she has a farm and she has alot of sheep. Right across from the farm there is a forest and that is where she thought of a setting for her book called "night vision". Ella told us something interesting which was that if you have sheep you should cut there tails off because flies go near there bum and poo in there and it is very painful for them.

What I enjoyed the most was listening to what she said because it was very interesting but It was quiet sad because she likes writing about murders and about how to kill people and ect. What else I enjoyed was that how she creates the books. Ella said one time that she went to a place to publish her book and they read it and they said they will publish it if she rewrites the story. Something else Ella said is that she only gets 2 dollars off every book and 1 of our teachers said why do you like writing books when you only get 2 dollars about them. After she said that it is because it is fun and we like playing sport and playing games and it is the same thing.

Wednesday 4 September 2019

Tane Mahuta

In Tane Mahuta we were out in the garden and we were cleaning out the shed and we were pulling out weeds and other plants that we dont need. After that we were scrapping the dirt and rubbish in front of the shed. After that at period 3 we came inside and the teacher said we are painting rocks for the garden. First we got our books and we started drawing what we wanted to draw on the rocks. I wanted to draw tree of life. Then we went to the other class and painted what we wanted to draw. For the background the colour was orange. Here is a photo of what my rock looked like.

Tuesday 3 September 2019

Science - Climate Change

In science we have been learning about climate change issues. First we watched a video about carbon dioxide and ect. After that Mr Palmer wrote 6 emissions about climate change they are Transport, cows. food, factories, waste and landfill. After that he gave us 2 pieces of paper 1 with all of the emissions and a blurb about them and the other 1 has a ranking sheet 1 to 6. Then we had to put them in order biggest to smallest. After he told us to write 1 sentence for each one

Transport - Most cars need gas or diesel to work. These come from oil, which is a fossil fuel. The carbon di-oxide in oil goes into the atmosphere when the car is running

Electricity - Electricity is a form of energy used to power almost everything in our homes. Electricity can come from renewable sources ( water, wind, sun) and non-renewable sources like fossil fuels (oil, and gas ). Fossil fuels release CO2 into the atmosphere

Monday 2 September 2019

Splitting Strategy - Maths

In maths we have been learning how to do all of the times tables. My group has been learning how to do the splitting strategy to complete a question to get the answer. Here is my DLO so you know how to do the strategy. I hope you Enjoy :)