
Thursday, 21 October 2021

Social Studies - Treat Of Waitangi / Maori Gods

This week in Social Studies we have been learning about the Treaty Of Waitangi and the maori gods. This week when we have finished all the work that we had to do, we had to add all of it to a google doc. Here is a link to the doc with all of my work that I have created. 

Maori Gods, Nga Atua (the creation) - YouTube

Tuesday, 19 October 2021

English - Lighting & Colour enchance the story

Atmosphere - feeling / mood set in the scence

Mood - the way we feel / emotional response

Location  - area it is eet

1. District 12

What is happening - Kaqtnessv is jogging through thwe district

Types of colour / lighting - cold colours, more grey undertone

                                          - dull colours - nothing stands out - blue / grey shades natural colours, natural                                                   colours - palette - greens, browns, grey, black

                                          - lighting - cold, dull, natural

Viewer effect (feel) - not welcoming, unpleasent, run down, dirty, poor.

Director Purpose - shows how unpleasent it is to live in the districts, 

2. The Capitol

What is happening - The citizens of the Capitol are awaiting the arrival of the tributes.

Types of colour / lighting - colours - cold - white undertones

                                                         - bright / artifical

                                          - lighting - cold (white) artifical, bright

                                          - palette - setting - whites / metalics costumns - bright, vibrant, colourful.

Viewer effect (feel) - these people are privelledged, they are celebrating, they are more advanced.

Directors purpose - makes us sympathise with the tributes - they have lots and the districs have none, dont like them because they seem over the top & arragant.

Other Techniques - costume - rich, extragant, flounting, over the top.

Settings - rich, modern, technologically advanced, clean, new.

3. The Control Room

What is happening - people are manipulating the arena via computer.

Types of colour / lighting - colour palette - blue / white / dark grey / clinical

                                          colour - cold (blue/white) bright-especially white shirts, artifical lighting /                                                    colour-cyan / holographic

Viewer effect (feel) - makes us feel they are smart but unsafe, scientific

Directors Purpose -  makes us feel like they are mindless drones, detached from reality

Other Techniques - costume - white lab coats-feels like an experiment.

Settings - no clutter, lots of tech, only focused on the one job.