
Tuesday, 29 November 2016

My Big Goal

School value is Be There

My Big Goal is to go in the river i'm bringing river shoes they are good on stones and they are good for walking in the water.

The water is cold and fast and I need to stay with my group.
It would be good because I love going into rivers and I am used to going into cold rivers.

I think that we are gonna wear life jackets and water suits BUT i think we won't because the teachers will say harden up.

Hopefully that they will be not be eals in the river because they are slimey and squeshy and hpefully that there isnt any fish because they will tickel and slimy like eals.

Image result for ealsMy teacher called mr breach told our class a weird story because he said that when he was little he used to go to the river and saw eals and put little fire works in there mouth and he lighted them up and The eals exploded with loads of blood.

Monday, 28 November 2016

Today we played eim coming 6th, How to play kahoot it is where your teacher makes you one on a dervice and they are maths questions you whole class clicks an answer and it is who wins the game this is a link to play the game.

Thursday, 24 November 2016

lucky book club 1

I have 50 dollars to spend and I buy a book club order for my 3 year old cousin, and I save $5.50 and I do jobs around the house and I get 19.50 and then I have anough to buy it so then they can have it for their birthday coming soon.
Screenshot 2016-11-24 at 11.23.01 AM.png

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

create your own snowflake

Today at school we have learent how to make a snow flake on the activity all you have to do is that you click in the black curcle and make you enjoy your self creating a snow flake. you can do all sorts of snowflakes it is your choice

This is a link to make your own crative activity create your own snow flake

Thursday, 10 November 2016

a link to the game that i finished

Today me and my friend Andre we played a two player game it is alot of fun and it makes your brain working it is where you roll a dice and it is like snakes and ladders and you land on befunky and youtube links and you need to see who wins with your buddy.

Friday, 4 November 2016

Game Over gopher

This is a game that is very fun to play this is a link to the game i leant how to plant things to kill the monsters and then you need to save your carrotGame Over Gopher

what i have learnt in land changes

Tyson's persuasive writing

Im learning to write persuasive writing so i can persuasive someone and then i know how to persuasive someone

Scooters should not be allowed to ride in schools during interval and lunchtime.

In My Opinion scooters should not be allowed in schools.

Kids love to play on them but scooters have the potential to be very  dangerous. Scooters can get out of control and knock over small children who are not aware of what is going on around them.  Scooters can cause an injury because they are heavy and made out of medal.

Scooters? Scooters should be banned from all schools.
people get hurt and people that are riding them they can spin the scooter around people's head and they can get head injuries. When older children that are on the scooters could hurt adults and then you will get in big TROUBLE and they would tell the principal and then the principal would stop it happening because the parents will get angry and get in a argue. Scooters need a lot of space and can dominate the playground. If the children want to go fast or over jumps, they need room to get up speed.

If concreted areas are already used for organised games the children won't be able to play the games.

Scooters are dangerous in schools especially in crowded places. Often riders do not wear safety gear because they can't be bothered to put the safety gear on or it might take too long. Riders do tricks and jumps which can often end up injuring others.
I believe that no children should be allowed to scoot in school grounds during morning tea and lunch times.